ABSTRACT Aloe ferox. Mill. is one of the plants used for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Different extracts of the plant were investigated for their antimicrobial constituents. This led to the isolation of three known compounds, namely, 1,8-dihydroxyhydroxymethyl-9,anthracenedione (1, aloe-emodin), 1,8-dihydroxy-3 Medicinal uses: The yellow bitter sap of Aloe ferox is used as laxative and white Aloe gel is used in health drinks and skin care products. When compared to Aloe vera, it has more amino acid s and polysaccharides It is furthermore used as a hair wash to promote hair growth and against dandruff[ ]. The distinctive constituents in Aloe leaves are phenolic compounds, including chromone, anthraquinone or anthrone derivatives. Some of the compounds are found in many species, whereas others occur in only a few[ ]
Aloe ferox Cape Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, Alligator Jaw Aloe PFAF Plant Database
Now available: PLANTS FOR YOUR FOOD FOREST : an important new book from PFAF. It focuses on the attributes of plants suitable for food forests, what each can contribute to a food forest ecosystem, including carbon sequestration, and the kinds of foods they yield. The book suggests that community and aloe forex medicinal compounds food forests can provide a real alternative to intensive industrialised agriculture, and help to combat the many inter-related environmental crises that threaten the very future of life on Earth.
Cape Aloe. Aloe ferox. Other known names are Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, and Alligator Jaw Aloe. Indigenous to South Africa but is now widely cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics, Cape aloe Aloe ferox is a tall, single-stem, succulent evergreen tree.
It has thick and fleshy leaves arranged in rosette, with spines along the leaf margins. The flowers are red or orange in color in multi-branched inflorescence. Cape aloe grows from 2 - 4 meters, occasionally to 5 meters. Like other aloe species, it is widely used in traditional and conventional medicine and as an ornamental plant and often potted in cooler climates. It is used to make bitter aloes and it yields a non-bitter gel used in cosmetics.
The gel from the leaves is used for treating skin conditions like burns, wounds, abrasions, and irritations. It also is used in scalp to promote hair growth and prevent dandruff. In South Africa, the gel is used to make a jam and as an ingredient in food and drinks. Dry leaves are used in making herbal tea and the flowers are sucked for their sweet nectar.
The leaf ash is used as an insect repellent. Cape aloe is drought-tolerant. UK Hardiness Map US Hardiness Map. Aloe candelabrum A, aloe forex medicinal compounds.
Aloe galpinii Baker Aloe horrid Haw. Aloe muricata Haw. Aloe pallancae Gu. Edible Parts: Flowers Leaves Edible Uses: The gel from the leaves has been used in South Africa to make a jam that tastes like watermelon jam[ ]. It is also gaining importance as a refreshing and nutritive ingredient in food and drinks[ ]. Dry leaves are harvested and crushed, aloe forex medicinal compounds, after which a decoction is aloe forex medicinal compounds to make a herbal tea[ ].
The flowers are sucked for their sweet nectar[ ]. Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally. In southern Africa the thickened, red leaf exudate, called 'Cape aloe', aloe forex medicinal compounds, is used as a purgative in human and veterinary medicine and fresh exudate is applied in cases of ophthalmia and syphilis[].
It is also used in the treatment of arthritis[ ]. The gel from the core of the leaves has a similar use as the gel from the leaves of Aloe vera, and is used to treat skin afflictions burns, wounds, abrasions, irritationsand is applied as a poultice on contusions or as a general refrigerant[ ].
It is furthermore used as a hair wash to promote hair growth and against dandruff[ ]. The distinctive constituents in Aloe leaves are phenolic compounds, including chromone, anthraquinone or anthrone derivatives.
Some of the compounds are found in many species, whereas others occur in only a few[ ]. An important new book from PFAF. Read More. Other Uses: The gel from the core of the leaves has a similar use as the gel from the leaves of Aloe vera, and is used as a hair wash to promote hair growth and against dandruff and as a cosmetic to improve the complexion and to smooth the skin[ ].
Aloe gel is also widely used as a hydrating and skin-protecting agent in creams and liquids such as sun lotion, shaving cream, lip balm and healing ointments[ ]. The leaf ash is used as an insect repellent[ ].
In South Africa Aloe ferox is planted as a live fence[ ]. Aloe ferox is indigenous to the arid subtropical areas of South Africa, but it is now widely grown throughout aloe forex medicinal compounds tropics and subtropics[ ]. It grows in a wide range of aloe forex medicinal compounds conditions. It is especially abundant where mean aloe forex medicinal compounds range from 27 - 31c and annual rainfall ranges from 50 - mm[ ].
Plants can withstand light frost, with occasional short-lived temperatures as low as aloe forex medicinal compounds, although the flowers may be damaged at -2c[]. Requires a sunny position and a very well-drained soil. Thrives on rich soils[ ], but is also tolerant of poor ones[ ]. Aloe species follow the Crassulacean acid metabolism CAM. CAM plants are able to fix CO2 at night and to photosynthesize with closed stomata during the day, thus minimizing water loss.
This, plus their succulent leaves aloe forex medicinal compounds stems and the presence of a thick cuticle, makes them aloe forex medicinal compounds adapted to dry conditions. Severe drought, though, stops exudate production[ ]. Although the root system is shallow, the plant can grow under very dry conditions[ ]. A slow-growing plant[ ]. Cape aloe has a stem surrounded with a persistent layer of dead leaves that insulate it in the case of bush fires[ ], aloe forex medicinal compounds.
Harvesting of Aloe ferox leaves for medicinal purposes could thus result in significant mortality due to fires[ ]. Celsius Fahrenheit:. Plants For A Future have a number of books available in paperback and digital form. Book titles include Edible PlantsEdible PerennialsEdible Treesand Woodland Gardening. Our new book to be released soon aloe forex medicinal compounds Edible Shrubs.
Seed - sow in a well drained medium in shallow trays and cover lightly with sand or the seed will blow away[ ]. Once the seeds begin to germinate, keep moist but watch out for overwatering as the seedlings could rot[ ]. Transplant into small pots or bags once they are about 4cm high approximately 6 months [ ]. Plants can also be propagated by planting of the tops of old plants[ ]. Plant regeneration from root and embryo tissue is successful as well[ ].
Cape Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, Alligator Jaw Aloe, aloe forex medicinal compounds. Found In: Africa, Australia, East Africa, Ecuador, South Aloe forex medicinal compounds, Southern Africa. Right plant wrong place. We are currently updating this section. IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants Status : This taxon has not yet been assessed. Author Mill. For a list of references used on this page please go here A special thanks to Ken Fern for some of the information used on this page.
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Stay informed about PFAFs progress, challenges and hopes by signing up for our free email ePost. You can unsubscribe at anytime. Plants For A Future Database About Plant Uses Edible Uses Medicinal Uses Other Uses. Follow Us:. Aloe ferox - Mill.
Common Name Cape Aloe, Bitter Aloe, Red Aloe, Cape Aloe, Alligator Jaw Aloe Family Xanthorrhoeaceae USDA hardiness Known Hazards The sap of Aloe species contains anthraquinones. These compounds have several beneficial medicinal actions, particularly as a laxative, and many species of Aloe are thus employed in traditional medicine, aloe forex medicinal compounds. Whilst safe in small doses and for short periods of time, anthraquinones do have potential problems if used in excess.
These include congestion and irritation of the pelvic organs[ ]. Long term use of anthraquinone laxatives may also play a role in development of colorectal cancer as they have genotoxic potential, and tumorigenic potential[ ].
Habitats Abundant on arid rocky hillsides up to 1, metres altitude[ ]. Also found in grassy fynbos and on the edges of the karoo. It grows both in the open and in bushy areas[ ]. Range South Africa - Cape Province, aloe forex medicinal compounds.
Edibility Rating 2 of 5 Other Uses 3 of 5 Weed Potential No Medicinal Rating 5 of 5 Care info, aloe forex medicinal compounds. Translate this page:. Aloe ferox is an evergreen Shrub growing to 3 m 9ft by 2 m 6ft at a slow rate. It is hardy to zone UK The flowers are pollinated by Birds, bees, aloe forex medicinal compounds. The plant is not self-fertile. Suitable for: light sandy and medium loamy soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil.
Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic alkaline soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers dry soil and can tolerate drought.
Aloe Vera - Daily Do's of Dermatology
, time: 1:39
Medicinal uses: The yellow bitter sap of Aloe ferox is used as laxative and white Aloe gel is used in health drinks and skin care products. When compared to Aloe vera, it has more amino acid s and polysaccharides traditional uses of aloe species in herbal medicine (Van Wyk et al., } as well as its chemical composition (Speranza et al.. , ; Koyama et al., ). no work has been reported on the use of Aloe ferox for the treatment of STIs. The purpose of this study is to iso-late and identify bioactive compounds from this species 09/02/ · Aloe ferox is used in moisturizers, gels, eye-firming gels, scrubs, sunscreens, lip balms, etc. It is believed that aloe ferox improves skin elasticity and prevents skin damage caused by exposure to the blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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